Yeah as far as i know only on the big lake and thats because its so crowded on weekends during the summer. I think with heavy boat traffic there should be a speed limit but it's a shame when it's 9am on a Wednesday or something like that. Winnisquam doesn't have any speed limits either, it's my lake of choice. The only really nice thing about Winnepesaukee besides the size of the lake is the fact that there are destinations, all the other lakes there aren't really places to go to from one point to another.
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--UnFocused1-- AKA >>>Matt<<<
-'89 Starion SHP, MPI swap and 400hp in progress
-07 Honda Ridgeline RTL, Intake, Exhaust, Tint [DD Status]
The whole speedlimit thing to me is not a solution to the problems. The 2 incidences im familiar with that lead to the new speedlimits had more to do with alcohol then speed. As with anything though, the old farts that make the rules use whatever they can to pass anything they can to ruin our fun. ...i wonder if anyones running a radar detector on their boat yet lol
'01 BMW 330i - Summer daily...awaiting spring time attention
'01 Audi A4 Avant - Winterus beaterus