Whats up? I'm from Benn.VT. I'm in a car club called Redlinewhips.I have gone on the Super Street Tour the past 5 years in row.Except last year they cancled tour and the car show it leads to down in ATL. GA. called the NOPI NATIONALS. I have won 1st place at Nopi Nats. the past 2 out of 3 years!!! Thats the best show on the EARTH. I also go to CT,NY,and northern VT for Auto-x. So if any body wants to go this summer let me know I'm looking for some new spots!!
I drive a Silver 90' Integra rs. It still has the original paint!! I bought it with 54,000 miles and have had it about 7 years. I'm to tired to list the changes I have done but I will put them up tomarrow.

Sorry I posted this on mackseys thread too. I had a little to much
I drive a Silver 90' Integra rs. It still has the original paint!! I bought it with 54,000 miles and have had it about 7 years. I'm to tired to list the changes I have done but I will put them up tomarrow.

Sorry I posted this on mackseys thread too. I had a little to much
