You ain't got no chance to beat a man with no hands and a one inccchhhh .
04 Forester XTI - Built Motor (weisco,eagle,sti,arp) FP Green Hta 330whp
83 Rabbit GTI - Scrapped, Heart lives on in the 82
82 Rabbit Diesel L custom - full GTI swap , built head lots of Poly
90 Corrado G60 - First Love , awaiting winning lottery #'s
You ain't got no chance to beat a man with no hands and a one inccchhhh .
04 Forester XTI - Built Motor (weisco,eagle,sti,arp) FP Green Hta 330whp
83 Rabbit GTI - Scrapped, Heart lives on in the 82
82 Rabbit Diesel L custom - full GTI swap , built head lots of Poly
90 Corrado G60 - First Love , awaiting winning lottery #'s
White people always screw #!#!#!#! up. Originally it was "steelo" shortened.
These definitions are wrong
"Steeze is a simple combination of the words style and ease and although originally used mainly by skaters and snowboarders steeze has recently begun to be used by famous artists such as Kid Cudi and Ke$ha.
When these artists, and artists like them use the word steeze, they are normally using it as a substitute for words such as fresh, fly and swag, Normally using the word in a referal to their attitude, charisma or choice of clothes."
Famous artists such as Big L use to use steelo, "you know my steelo, even pack my gat when I go to see my p.o."
Originally it meant "style", not style and ease, kind of like fo shizzle, that doesn't mean sure and fizzle..
" steelo
Slang for style; a playa's aura. Some get this definition confused with swagger. It can be your fashion but that's just part of the bigger picture. Let's just say, the devil didn't make you do it, it was your steelo.
"You should know my steelo/
Went from ten G's for blow to thirty G's a show/
To orgies with ho's I never seen befo'/" - Notorious B.I.G
Geek "I'm jealous of you"
Ryan "Don't hate my steelo"
Geek "I envy it"
Ryan "Geez, just cause I got steez?"
Geek "Let me carry you to school someday"
Ryan "Bathe twice"
Geek "You won't regret it""
1995 Eclipse GST - ~~~~ project mode
1999 Eclipse GST winter beater ----
Evo 3 16g
3" turbo back Thermal R&D exhaust
hard upper intercooler pipe
Tein/AGX suspension
Other crap
217k miles